Meghna Preloader

Street Hunter - Gameplay

In a parallel universe, there are toxic monsters roaming the streets of the world. Your objective is to hunt and disintegrate them all.


Full Metal Wars - Teaser

Full Metal Wars is a free-to-play game created by Prosperity Games. Our founder Lucas Pfister worked at the project as client developer during one year.


About Us

We're Creative

Making games requires more than following a formula. It needs inspiration and thinking outside the box.

We're Professional

Focus and commitment with our projects allows us to reach a higher level of quality to our games.

We Love What We Do

There's no bigger motivation than doing what we like, what we love. Games and technology are our passion and we'll always do our best.

Our Services

Games Development

Games are fun. We can create many kinds of games for multiple platforms. Just tell us what you need!

Virtual Reality

Imagine how imersive is a VR game! All the possibilities and freedom of movement. Virtual Reality is the future and we couldn't be out of it.

Augmented Reality

Want to make an interactive presentation of your 3D model? Or maybe a creative marriage proposal?


Many companies started using gamification. You can use it to train your employees in a more efficient and fun way!

Digital Replicas

We can transform board games or another objects in a fully functional digital replica, including sounds, shapes, details and so on.


Architectural visualization with photorealism. Imagine your dream home in VR, where you can interact and make changes. We can do it!

Our Team


Lucas Pfister

Founder & Lead Game Developer

Post graduated in Digital Game Development, shipping games for multiple platforms since 2011.

What People Say About Us


Randolph de Souza

Digital Games Coordinator at Universidade de Sorocaba - UNISO

Zuga Games has a qualified team and presents a high level of involvement with the projects, always resulting in great quality games!

Get In Touch

Contact Details

Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil
Phone: +55 15 99147-7799
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